Why Lorden?

We’ve never made a warmer offer.

As our way of introducing you to Lorden, we’re offering you100 free gallons of heating oil and a free tune up with an evaluation of your current heating system. You can also receive a $500 savings if we install a new heating or air conditioning system prior to September 15, 2021.  Simply give us a call to take advantage of these and other money savings offers.

Lorden delivers.

At Lorden-The Home Climate Company, warmth means a lot more than heating your home. It’s about being there when you need us. And helping you deal with the ups and downs of the outside world by making your inside world as comfortable as possible.  We go beyond delivering oil and providing expert heating and air conditioning installation and service to offer a level of customer care you simply don’t get from your average oil company.

Tradition meets technology.

At Lorden, we’re proud to have pioneered practices and techniques that have become industry standards. Yet while the old way is often still the best way, we’re committed to advancing the art and science of home heating and cooling. That’s why we continually pursue technological innovations designed to improve energy efficiency, lower the cost of heating and cooling, and simplify your life.

White boot service.

Our people are held to the highest standards of quality, behavior, and dress. They arrive at your home in uniform and with identification.  They wear white booties to protect your floors and put down absorbent paper before doing any messy work.